What is Spinal Manipulation?
Spinal Manipulation is a technique performed by DPTs and DOs which can look and sound familiar to Chiropractic Adjustments. Chiropractors adjustment the spine back into alignment based on the ‘vertebral subluxation theory’ in an attempt to treat pain and a variety of conditions. Their Doctorate in Chiropractic is achieved most often through Life University, based in Atlanta, and one of the largest programs in the country.
Doctors of Physical Therapy and Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine achieve their degrees through affiliated Medical Schools and can perform manipulations, if indicated, to improve pain, mobility, and flexibility. Most often, mid-range techniques are used which are extremely safe. Click here to read more about the safety of these techniques. If contraindication are present, there are dozens of other modalities which may be considered.
How does it help?
By improving the mobility of the spinal segments and peripheral joints, pain can be modulated and improve range of motion. This improvement in range of motion of the joints, in turn, improves the flexibility and mobility of the surrounding soft tissue and further helps to improve range of motion. We also see a reduction in overall sensitivity of the corresponding segments following a manipulation.